
Shame Of The Nation

Google Trends is showing a spike in searches for "who is running for president". To make matters even more embarrassing, most of these searches are coming from North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

How could you possibly live in a swing state and not know who is running for president? This has been three billion dollar election, there is no way you have managed to avoid robocalls, campaign ads, and canvassing. If you don't know who is running at this point then why don't you do us all a favor and stay home and watch Honey Boo Boo reruns.

Helping vs Accountability

This tweet

makes me think of this line from VEEP

...which makes me sad about the state of personal responsibility in this country and confused by my conflicting desire to hold people accountable and help.

Get it together people. Put down the pizza. Stop drinking Big Gulp Coca-Colas. I think we can all agree that there are better ways to spend the $190 billion we are currently spending annually on obesity related healthcare.