Jury Duty.....told through the art of the gif

When a juror's attempt to be dismissed for hardship is denied

When the clique of jurors, who have instantly become besties, asks me to join them in the cafeteria

When I walk into the courtroom and only the defendant is sitting there

When I suddenly realize that an expert witness has proved something really important to the case

When jurors are asked if they understand what constitutes reasonable doubt

When the bailiff arrives with donuts in the middle of heated deliberations

When a juror struggles to evaluate the case based on the law

When a juror is taking too much time describing a personal anecdote and the foreperson has to ask them to refrain from sharing their bias

After lunch when the judge takes too long evaluating an attorney's objections

Everyone when they first are selected to be on the jury

once we begin deliberating...

When I am trying to be polite while a juror is saying something really moronic

When I look around and realize this is a random selection of "my peers"

When the overly sensitive juror feels the deliberation is getting confrontational

When someone says "i think Brigitte just made a really good point"

When I wake up on day six six of jury duty

When I start to sway juror's opinions

The attorney's once they hear the jury has reached a verdict

When the judge thanks us for our time and says "You are now excused from jury duty"

Conscious? Unconscious? Subconscious?

I rarely dream (or sleep for that matter) but, on such rare occasions, my dreams are such eerily realistic premonitions that it takes minutes for me to recognize reality. These dreams are more like vignettes which give me the chance to watch the most realistic scenario for whatever transition, question or looming deadline has been causing me the most anxiety.

These dreams do not require interpretation, there is no symbolism or free associating. It is as though my mind, free from the obligation to to process all of the stimulus of waking life, simply puzzles together of all of the bits and pieces of anxiety and "what-ifs" that circulate in my head when I am awake into the most plausible scenario; It's a manifestation of my neurosis.

Not to get too It's a Wonderful Life, but they feel like gifts from a guardian angel subconscious.

I had a boss once who would recount her dreams and make me look up interpretations on the internet. Do you remember your dreams? Are they fantastical or realistic?

Check out RadioLab's fantastic podcast on the science of sleep and dreams.

They Deserve a Vote

The battle cry from tonight's State of the Union Address was unquestionably when Obama listed off the heartbreaking stories of those affected by gun violence punctuating each story with the simple, but poignant statement, "They deserve a vote".

Sandy Hook deserves a vote.

Gabby Giffords deserves a vote.

Hadiya Pendleton deserves a vote.

Oak Creek deserves a vote.

Virginia Tech deserves a vote.

Columbine deserves a vote.

Colorado deserves a vote.

We all deserve a vote. We all deserve better. Don't we all deserve to live free from gun violence? Check out these links for more information on recent gun violence, pending firearms legislation and the State of the Union

photos from Washington Post,Britannica,Time & HLN TV

On Open Letter To My Valentine....

My mom introduced us over twenty years ago. I must admit that in the beginning you didn't always hold my attention, but you were always around. While I flirted with others, you were always there when they changed or disappointed me.

When I went off to college, I found comfort in your dependability and a close friendship blossomed. We explored Boston together, going for long walks and endless evening drives. You were like a third roommate in my dorm room and I found myself finding excuses to bring you up in conversation with friends. After classes, I would turn to you to learn more about interesting topics. You always had an interesting friend for me to meet or piece of information to share. I appreciated how you would pull from both the old and the new to formulate opinions-- occasionally surprising me by reciting Shakespeare or quoting a tweet.

You expanded my horizons by enlightening me to things I like cars and science. You always find a way to engage me and explain things in a way that I can understand.

You are the first thing I think about in the morning and I fall asleep listening to you whisper in my ears each night. You encouraged my passion for politics and challenged me to see things from new and varied perspectives. Your words inspire me to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. You have made me a better person.

This year I

committed to you

and I couldn't be more happy. So today, on this corny day devoted to love, I can't help but shout it from the rooftops....

I love NPR


I look forward to a lifetime of learning, laughter and love!

NPR will you be my Valentine?