99 Portraits Of The 99%

For the past two months, photographer Steven Greaves’ took portraits of the protestors down at Zuccotti Park. Here are a few of my favorites from his beautiful collection,

99 Portraits of the 99%

Dan Singh, 25, cameraman

"Greed and injustice can no longer be abided. Now is the moment."

Abdul Basit Kahn, 21, student at Johns Hopkins

"Agree with general discontent. Specifically corruption of money and political power and the indentured servitude surrounding student debt."

Ana Abiodun, 34, artist

"Because revolution is beautiful!"

Ken Brady, 46, realtor

"Support fairness."

Victoria Murray, 18, student

"I think this idea is great and inspiring and makes me think I can also make a difference."

Amy Roberts Wilson, 39, college professor

"Because I believe corporations wield too much power in our society."

Audrey Hollingsworth, 19, student

"To evolve individually so we can evolve together. To create a new world where everyone has what they need and can live and progress in a content and fair society. Essentially, I want everyone to be happy"