George Steinmetz

Seeing Africa From A Different Perspective

"I didn't have a goal to change Africa. I just wanted to marinate in it,"

Fying in a motorized paraglider over Africa, George Steinmetz has captured the diversity and dichotomous struggle between modernity and tradition.

I tend to be a bit of a supporter of the romanticized concept of globalization. I like the idea of a democratization of information, resources and increased connectivity. But, as i watched this video, I struggled with the idea of giving up what you have for the rush of the new.

Does development have to look the same everywhere? Is the African dream a white picket fence? Should we take the established path to development worldwide? And, if not, how patient are we willing to be while we figure out the best method for each respective community?

I guess the challenge will always be making people see the longterm benefit of conservation and their willingness to continually reinvent the wheel.

Watch video here