
Fail Quick and Often

This needs to be the motto for the Millennials. The fear of failure and quitting stifles innovation, change and growth. We need to quit when we realize we have failed, cut our losses and learn from our mistakes. I hope that this will be one of the primary differences between past generations and future. We can't keep fighting a war because we don't want to admit that it was a bad idea in the first place. Politicians, doctors, entrepreneurs, students, cops and judges all need to be able to admit their failures. We teach kids that everyone makes mistakes, but then we live in an incredibly litigious unforgiving society. It is likely that the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis because no one was willing to come forward and say that mistakes were made in the investigation and trial.

Premah Shah, President of Kiva, recently, spoke at the Jefferson Innovatio Summit about the need to encourage and value failure:

Similarly, Freakonomics just did a brilliant podcast about quitting.