influencer conference

How Does A Bumper Sticker Stop Genocide?

During Friday's morning's session with Lina Srivastava at the New York Influencer Conference , she posed this question to the audience during a discussion about the stages and methods behind raising awareness, engaging an audience and carefully guiding them through the spectrum of engagement to action. She went on to explain how raising awareness can be easy. Any worthwhile cause has a compelling story behind it, but telling the story about the systemic problem, being honest with the audience about how messy, complicated and tiring the actual solution will be is the challenge. When telling a story, it may be tempting to focus on the subject's similarities with the audience but one should tightrope the dichotomy of wanting to relate and being accurate and honest. Srivastava's urged the audeince to watch this TED talk which addresses the danger of telling a single story.