monday morning

On My Mind This Monday Morning

• i love gray days

• I went one week without coffee. I want coffee

• surprised: sent out 4 networking emails yesterday and the only person to reply so far was the person I thought least likely to respond

• dress for the wedding

• should I be worried that Bachmann won Ames Straw Poll?

• exercise

• what is Bank of America trading at?

• the clean apartment is calming me

• I really hope my Boston apartment sells quickly

• "live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way in to the answer"

• where am i going to live in San Francisco

• need to learn key phrases in Turkish and Hebrew for winter vacation to Istanbul and Tel Aviv

• I wish I could attend SOCAP conference in SF

• I don't know my blood type, is that normal?

• i worry the biggest motivator in my life is my fear of disappointing people
