
Hello 2013, We Are Going To Be Good Friends

I am not really one for resolutions. Most of them feel like band aids for things that were perceived as failures or shortcomings from the previous year. My approach is to spend some time really digging into the why and the how of the year's highs and lows, and then putting together a list of lessons learned and very specific goals for the new year.

I like this 'What I Learned list from Lena Dunham:

For me, this year has been a discombobulating pendulum of good and bad, but I think the sharp juxtapositions have made me more acutely aware and motivated to learn and grow.

Here is my list of lessons learned in 2012 (still in process):

1. Most obstacles are mental

2. I can run 26.2 miles without walking

3. It is ok to not have a long term plan

4. There is just as much value in finding out what you don't want

5. I am a workaholic, even if i dislike my job, my natural state of being is working

6. Good girlfriends are hard to find, but well worth the search

7. It is better to share ideas/ emotions/ thoughts early, rather than waiting until they are fully formed or "perfect"

8. Say yes a lot more than no

Goals for 2013 (so far):

1. Run a marathon in under 4 hours

2. Spend less time worrying about what other people think

3. Climb Mt Kilimanjaro

4. Take time to stretch and improve flexibility

5. Devote more time actively cultivating my creativity

6. Learn to play 3 songs on the piano by heart

7. Cultivate negative capability

8. Learn the basics of HTML and Javascript coding

9. Complete the AIDS ride from SF to LA

(already signed up!)