On My Mind This Monday Morning

• i love gray days

• I went one week without coffee. I want coffee

• surprised: sent out 4 networking emails yesterday and the only person to reply so far was the person I thought least likely to respond

• dress for the wedding

• should I be worried that Bachmann won Ames Straw Poll?

• exercise

• what is Bank of America trading at?

• the clean apartment is calming me

• I really hope my Boston apartment sells quickly

• "live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way in to the answer"

• where am i going to live in San Francisco

• need to learn key phrases in Turkish and Hebrew for winter vacation to Istanbul and Tel Aviv

• I wish I could attend SOCAP conference in SF

• I don't know my blood type, is that normal?

• i worry the biggest motivator in my life is my fear of disappointing people

photo: atlantic-pacific.com

The Mean Reds

My future and the future of the country feel like they are at the climax of a movie whose genre is yet to be determined- horror, comedy, drama or thriller. The climax is only exhilarating for so long and quickly becomes unsettling and exhausting because so much hangs in the balance. I try to remind myself that life is all about the journey and that every obstacle and curve ball is just another opportunity to laugh, grow and learn, but today I can't get my cheeks to smile and everything just feels scary and overwhelming.

Rep Westmoreland: Hypocrite or Dimwit?

I have two problems with Representative Lynn Westmoreland. First, his education and intelligence is inadequate to handle the issues facing our country. He can't remember the most basic tenant of his religion, which he himself has said is of utmost importance. There is no way he is capable of understanding a report on the national debt or a bill regarding reforming the complicated banking system and he must knows he is incapable. He is not the best man for this job. Which brings me to my second problem, why was he elected? Why do people vote for representatives that they want to have a beer with instead of people who possess knowledge of the issues that are most important to them like economics- job creation, financial security, stable banking system, availability of loans.

If you believe you can't have morality without religion, but you can't remember the most basic tenants of your religion, what does that mean for your morality...