Women I Admire: Christine Lagarde

When asked at the Women in the World Summit whether women can "have it all", Christine Largarde frankly replied, "No". Managing director of the IMF, twice married and divorced has two sons and is known for her ambition, success, and fashion sense.

A Vogue profile described her as "a planet with a powerful field of gravity, orbiting through the skies of global high finance, the first woman to be in charge of the world’s economy". Her confidence and charm command attention and respect. Her no-nonsense manner is indicative of someone who has risen to power through merit and hard work.

She approaches her roles with respect, but isn't afraid to rethink the status quo and think bigger or different. Her new position has her working in Washington, thousands of miles from her current boyfriend in Marsaille. When asked about the arrangement she replied that he comes to visit one week a month and "frankly, that’s fine with me. I’ll be so busy, it’ll be easier not to have to worry about someone else or argue about dinner or who’s going to take out the rubbish.”

I love her nonsense attitude. You can't have it all, at least not all at the same time. You have to do your best and be perfectly clear about what you want and what you can give. I admire Madame Lagarde because I have a tendency to over think what other people want or expect and don't place a high enough value on just saying and doing what I want. She inspires me to think deeply about what I want and to be unapologetic in my pursuit.

photos courtesy of pure people, Foreign Policy blog