Women I Admire: Tina Fey

Tina Fey is loveably imperfect. I had the pleasure of meeting her on a few occasions when I was working for Zac Posen. She came to the office to find a dress for the Emmy's and in an unprecedented move, took the subway, showed up onetime wearing converse sneakers, and didn't send over any request for coffee or specify what brand of water she wanted. When I went to greet her-- in my mandatory 4" heels, tight skirt, and coifed hair—I had to fight the urge to go all Liz meeting Oprah and gab about the tacos I just ate, the pain of Spanx, and confess my issues with sex.

My brush with Tina Fey greatness and my addiction to 30 rock aside, I admire Tina for satirizing stupidity whether it be political, social or gender expectations. Sometimes it is only through humor and wit, that we can begin to see our own flaws, errors in judgment and ridiculous convictions. For me, Tina Fey has encouraged me to embrace my imperfections. If I'm awkward, or do something socially retarded or eat an entire bag of BBQ chips I just shrug my shoulders and say "I totally just pulled a Liz Lemon".

Unlike her character on 30 Rock, Tina Fey actually does appear to "have it all". She seems to be happily married mother with a killer career. I strive to "pull a Tina" but, when things don't go according to plan, I am happy to be able to laugh when I totally Lemon a situation.

"What bothers me the most is that people say that Hillary Clinton is a bitch. Let me say something about that: Yeah, she is. So am I and so is Amy Poehler. You know what, bitches get stuff done."