Time To Go Fill In The Blank

Brigitte Bradford

Last week was my last week at Watsi. For the past year and a half, I've lead Watsi's growth, brand, communication, email marketing, and social media. It was a good job.

So why leave?

How often do you think some version of this thought: what if I quit my job and focused on _____? We all do it. But that question started becoming the first thing I thought about in the morning, the thing I day dreamed about, and the last thing I thought about at night. I knew it is time for me to move closer to filling in that blank.

The blank is either running, writing, starting my own company, or some combination of all three. When I thought about everything I wanted to achieve in the coming year, I realized that there was a misalignment between my priorities and how I would need to spend my time in order to be the best Marketing Director for Watsi. I wasn't writing very often. I resented how the 2-hour commute affected my running and recovery. It was hard being the only person with a marketing background. All of these things left me with the dissonance of loving Watsi’s mission but no longer able to invest all of myself into what it needed from me on a daily basis.

It’s not you. It’s me. I gotta go see about a girl. Me.