
Find Your Greatness

I fucking did it! I just completed my first half marathon! And now I'm obsessing over all things fitness.

Maybe I am still in an adrenaline daze, but I feel like running those 13.1 miles (along with 20,000 other people) enabled me to tap into this strength that I never knew I had. It's this feeling that I can defeat that voice in my head that tells me to stop and the excitement about the potential for this newly realized strength. This Radiolab episode on limits does a much better job summarizing the experience of pushing oneself and delves into the interesting physical and mental consequences.

Loving this Nike commercial:

"Somehow we've come to believe that greatness is only for the chosen few, for the superstars. The truth is, greatness is for all of us. This is not about lowering expectations; it's about raising them for every last one of us. Greatness is not in one special place, and it's not in one special person. Greatness is where ever someone is trying to find it."

Nike: Find Your Greatness. from NikeUK on Vimeo.

Go forth and find your greatness. 76 days until the Nike Women's Marathon!!

Inspired, Overwhelmed & (Finally) Focused

I am still decompressing and digesting all of the facts, ideas and initiatives that were presented during the

Social Good Summit

. It was an overwhelming reminder that there are so many smart people, with great ideas working to change the world in realistic, measurable and creative ways. Towards the end of the day, Chrysula Winegar, who writes

When You Wakeup A Mother

touched on "cause fatigue". It was comforting to hear someone else mention this because by that time I had heard Desmond Tutu talk about the urgency to end child marriage, Dr Muhammad Yunus talk about the urgency to ease poverty through microfinance, the CEO of Skype talk about the urgency to use digital technology to improve education, Melinda Gates talk about the urgency to eradicate polio, Chef José Andrés talk about the urgency to distribute proper stoves, the First Ladies of South Africa and Kenya talk about the urgency of women's health in developing countries and the onset of cause fatigue was lingering. Chrysula went on to urge each of us to be aware and engaged, but to find our own connections and put our energy and time behind issues that resonate within our selves. With that in mind, I was originally drawn to the event to hear Dr Yunus speak on microfinance, and as I reflect on my experience, it is his insight, advice and passion that will have the most influence on my post-summit actions.

Social Good Summit

Muhammad Yunus is here. The President of Tanzania is here. Tony Bates (CEO of Skype) is here. Desmond Tutu is here. Kate James (COO of Gates Foundation is here. And, I am here. If you're not so fortunate you can watch is live here: and look for #socialgood tweets.